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Friday, July 9, 2010

Bil'in Weekly Demonstrations: Reports and Summaries

Local, national, and international protesters congregate in Bil'in every Friday in order to demonstrate against the security wall/ fence that separates the town from Israeli settlements. Demonstrations have been held every Friday for over five years- and sometimes extra protests are organized. Each week I get an e-mail from The Friends of Freedom and Justice, Bil'in summarizing the town's most recent demonstration. I have copy-pasted these e-mails, and highlighted passages and added links in places...

Bil'in Weekly Demo August 6, 2010

Organized by the popular committee against the wall, in Bil'in, a massive march against the construction of the apartheid wall, occupation and settlements began after Friday prayers from the center of the village. Participants from the Bil'in day summer camp attended the march along with a delegation of the Palestinian People's Party and dozens of international and Israeli activists. As they marched through the streets they chanted slogans calling for the end to the policy of occupation in and around Jerusalem, the end to demolition and displacement of the people and condemned the criminal acts against Palestinian communities. After the marchers had approached the wall and were confronted by soldiers, the Israeli army fired sound grenades and multiple types of teargas canisters at the participants, some of which induced vomiting.

Bil'in Weekly Demo July 30, 2010
Today 30 July 2010 the people of Bil'in were joined by several groups of internationals, including a group of rappers from Britain and the US. A large part of the demonstrators
managed to approach the soldiers who had already entered the gate. Two people were detained for a while, following large amounts of tear gas, eventually forcing the protestors back towards the village. One Israeli protestor was hit by a tear gas canister in his leg, causing pain, while another British citizen was dragged several meters by soldier, causing his back bruising and bleeding. About 200 protestors; Palestinians, Israeli and Internationals were today carrying posters asking for a boycott of Israel, and also honoring Rachel Corrie's hometown Olympia, that recently introduced a boycott of Israeli goods. 45 people were from Spain, another group from Italy and France, in addition to individuals coming to show solidarity. People were singing and dancing all the way up to the road leading to the illegal Wall. As the protestors were coming closer, a number of soldiers ran through the gate and lined up on the road, preventing people from coming closer to the gate. A large group of protestors started singing, and a truck with speakers approached playing music. Protestors asked to cross the soldier's barrier, but were prevented, and pushed back while trying to continue walking towards the gate, on Bil'in's land. At one point the soldiers attacked one international protestor, and following that people tried to help him, they detained another. This British citizen was dragged several meters by the soldiers, causing damage to his back. He was heavily bruised and suffered from pain afterwards. In the middle of the chaos the army started shooting and throwing tear gas and stun grenades to the protestors. As people ran back towards the village, tear gas continued to be shot, making it hard to see and breathe. One Israeli was hit by a low flying tear gas canister in his leg, causing pain, though no medical treatment was needed. Again the army showed that they don't hesitate to use brutality and violence again non-violent protestors in Bil'in. Also today there were two fires caused by tear gas canisters in the field, and luckily people were able to put it out. The demonstration was ended by the performance of one MC, coming with a group of other rappers in solidarity with Bil'in and Palestine. Bil'in is thankful for the great support this Friday, and welcomes anyone who wants to participate in the weekly demonstration in the future.

Bil'in Weekly Demo July 23, 2010
Dozens suffered from tear gas inhalation in Bil'ins weekly protest , former vice president of the European Parliament detained by the army and one Israeli protester arrested
Today the people of Bil'in were joined by about 100 international supporters, among them an Italian group including Lousia Morgantini, the former vice president of the European Parliament. The army fired tear gas at the protesters, and managed to grab and detain Morgantini. She was released after about half an hour, while an Israeli protester who tried to help her ended up getting arrested. The protest started as usual after the midday prayer, and Palestinian, Israeli and International protesters went together towards the gate leading to the military post. People were dancing, singing and shouting slogans, and Argentine and others were carrying the flag of the European Union. Morgantini has been participating in a number of Bil'ins demonstrations over the last years, and is seen as great supporter of the struggle. As people started to reach the gate, it took about ten minutes until the army started shooting tear gas. After another few minutes the army decided to storm the gate and chase the protesters. In the chaos Morgantini ended being grabbed by soldiers and separated from rest of the demonstration, that were forced back. As Morgantini was held by the military, some protesters decided to negotiate, walking up to the soldiers, who were lined up in several blocks to prevent people from coming up. One Israeli activist, Kobi Snitz was arrested while trying to speak to the army, and was then taken to a police station. Morgantini was released after about half an hour, and is in good condition. No injuries were reported, though many people suffered from tear gas inhalation. Some stun grenades were also thrown into the field, and caused a fire. Todays protest in Bil'in proved that the army is serious about their threats of arresting protesters who are taking part in the weekly non violent demonstration, as witnessed several times the previous months.

Bil'in Weekly Demo July 16, 2010
Today the people of Bil'in were joined by about 100 internationals. People were carrying posters to honor Fayyes Tanin, a Palestinian leader of the grassroot's movement who passed away 6 weeks ago. As the protesters stopped some meters from the gate, facing the soldiers on the other side, the army started shooting tear gas without any warning and without a single stone being thrown. Majd Burnat 12 year old carrying a camera to document military violence passed out from the inhalation, and had to be taken back to the village. Another young boy was hit by a tear gas canister in his stomach, and suffered from pain. Seven of the internationals joining today were from a French group named CCIPPP, arranged by Mustafa, coming to support the Palestinian struggle. Another five Palestinians came from Tulkarem, where Fayyes Tanin is from. A number of members of the Palestinian Popular Struggle Front were also coming from all over Palestine to support Bil'in this Friday. The soldiers were already standing close to the gate as the protestors reached the top of the hill, accompanied by border police, obviously ready to run in and make arrests. After less than a minute, much tear gas was shot into the crowd, both cylinder shaped and the regular round shaped. As people ran towards the village, gas continued to be shot, in addition to a few stun grenades. About ten soldiers lined up on the road, preventing people to come close to the gate, while another ten went in among the olive trees, shooting tear gas from a closer distance. The cylinder shaped tear gas canisters can cause severe damage when they hit from a short distance. Today a young boy was hit in his stomach, fortunately from such distance that did not cause a serious injury. Another 12 year old boy carrying a camera to document military violence, passed out from too much tear gas, and had to be taken back to the village. No arrests were made today, in spite of much effort from the Israeli army, and the demonstration came to an end after 1,5 hours.

Bil'in Weekly Demo July 9, 2010
To coincide with the
sixth anniversary of the International Court of Justice’s ruling that the Apartheid-Annexation Wall was illegal and must be torn down and reparations paid to the affected Palestinians , Bil’in’s Popular Committee Against the Wall organised a massive protest against the ongoing construction of the Wall and the Israeli “settler” colonies sheltering behind it. Besides Palestinians the demonstration drew activists and people with live conscience from far afield as Tulkarm, Tel Aviv, Turkey, the US, Egypt, the UK and Ireland and many others of indeterminate nationality who loudly and angrily called for signatories of the Geneva Conventions, Hague Conventions and defenders of international law to implement the advisory opinion of the ICJ and not allow this ruling to wither on the vine of indifference and the double standards of the so called “international community,” particularly Israel’s paymaster and protector, the US. To reinforce this point, large scales representing justice heavily weighted in Israel’s favour, was carried to the Wall and displayed to the Occupation Forces protecting it, who immediately responded with salvoes of gun fired and hand thrown tear gas resulting in much distress and an injury to a young Tulkarm man and outbreaks of fire in the tinder-dry olive groves to which a fire engine had to be summoned to quench them. To further terrorize the protestors, snatch squads were sent to arrest as many of the fleeing as possible, but met strong and obdurate resistance from the local stone throwing shabab who successfully forced their temporary retreat and their next two sallies.

Bil'in Weekly Demo July 2, 2010
Today the people of Bil'in were joined by internationals and Israelis in the weekly demonstration against the illegal apartheid wall that has stolen more than half of Bil'ins land. About 150 protestors carried out the message to the Palestinian leaders, expressing the need for unification, bringing a large banner showing a picture of Arafat and Yaseen together. The popular committee in Bil'in, represented by Iyad Burnat said there is a need for the Palestinians to unite to resist Israel's illegal occupation. He welcomes internationals, this time a group from the "Palestine Summer Encounter" and others who want to show solidarity with the people of Bil'in and Palestine. Burnat stressed the fact that many people are coming from abroad to show support, and urged the Palestinian leaders to focus on solidarity instead of causing more suffering for their people. The protesters went together singing, some dancing and saying slogans up to the wall. There the soldiers were waiting on the other side, and the protest went on for about ten minutes before soldiers started shooting tear gas and sound grenades into the crowd, and into the farm land. As people were moving towards the village, tear gas continued to be shot, and dozens of people suffered from inhalation. Soldiers crossed the gate, chasing the protesters towards the village; still they did not manage to arrest anyone. Heat from tear gas canisters and sound grenades set fire to the dry ground several places. The smoke and the gas forced people further back, and in spite of the non violence and retreat the soldiers continued shooting. Ammunition causing fire is a serious problem this time of the year, when the ground is dry. Many olive trees have seen severe damage, with the result of dead trees and less olives to harvest.

Night Raid on Bil'in 30-06-2010
In the small hours of last night, at around 3 am, Israeli Occupation Forces raided the village of Bil'in to effect the political arrest of villager; Yasir Maher Yasseen who, happily evaded their clutches yet again. The IOF have a long history of harassing and jailing this young activist and excepting the kidnapping of 13 year old Fadi Al-Khatib on the 4th of this month and the terrorising of a false confession out of him, this raid comes after a relatively long hiatus (22-05-2010 was the last military incursion into the village) and may be a harbinger for a spate of further terrorising raids to come.? Ashrah Abu Rahmah, brother of Bassem who the IOF murdered on 17-04-2009 at a peaceful protest at the nearby Apartheid-Annexation Wall, distinguished himself yet again with his relentless and brave efforts to breach the IOF cordon around the home of Yasir. Bil'in salutes him.

Bil'in Weekly Demo June 27, 2010
Today’s protesters in Bil’in brought out the message about boycott of Israeli blood diamonds. Every year, consumers the world over unwittingly spend billions of dollar on diamonds crafted in Israel, and Palestinians call for a boycott. The demonstration went on as usual, Palestinians, Israelis and internationals marched together up to the gate of the wall, facing large amounts of tear gas before the soldiers went in through the gate and chased the protesters some hundred meters towards the village. Israel, that stands accused of war crimes, crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing, genocide, the crime of apartheid, extrajudicial executions within and outside the territory it controls and persistent serious breaches of the Geneva Conventions – is the world’s leading exporter of diamonds. Today the villagers carried t-shirts and posters asking to boycott Israel’s diamond industry. About 100 demonstrators went up to the gate, carrying out the message, in a non violent manner. Another message was solidarity with the Palestinians in Jerusalem, facing eviction from their homes and constant violence from Israeli settlers taking over their houses. The soldiers responded with shooting tear gas into the crowd after ten minutes. As people were running towards the village, the soldiers were running after, still shooting tear gas, and dozens suffered from inhalation. Three soldiers were reported to hide in the field close to the village, shooting tear gas making it difficult to reach back towards the village. About ten protesters suffered heavily from the gas, struggling to breathe. Tear gas canisters caused a fire in the field, on both side of the road as the hot canisters hit the dry ground. In the middle of a cloud of tear gas Palestinians were working hard to stop the fire, which was spreading quickly among the olive trees. In the end they managed to put an end to the fire, which caused a lot of smoke in addition to the tear gas. The demonstration lasted for about 45 minutes, when people went back to the village.

2-Nabi Saleh Protests Against Israeli Blood Diamonds 25-06-2010
Today, yet again, protestors in Nabi Salah were subjected to merciless Israeli violence with one youth injured and ambulanced away for treatment. This time, however, the perpetrators were repeatedly challenged by a brave, brave woman: Huwaida Arraf, who blocked with her body two Israeli Occupation Forces soldiers from firing killer, high velocity tear gas projectiles at some stone throwing youth. With telling truth she informed them that: "The demonstration was over and their continued presence was designed to provoke and intimidate and to go home". Her pleas were in vain as the IOF made continuous terrorising forays on foot and jeep into the village until late into the evening. Prior to the protest, at the cermony in the village square honouring the many Palestinians jailed for inordinate periods of time by Israel for resisting the Occupation, she urged people of live conscience worldwide to boycott Israeli blood diamonds as the cut diamonds are the foundation of the Israeli economy and amount to some $20 billion in exports annually. Huwaida Arraf is a Palestinian-American human rights activist who co-founded the International Solidarity Movement and is currently chair of the Free Gaza Movement, she was on board Challenger 1, one of the six siege-breaking ships ferrying desperately needed humanitarian supplies to Gaza when the flotilla was murderously attacked in international waters by Israeli commandos on 31st May 2010 - nine other human rights activists aboard the Turkish ship, Mavi Marmara were murdered in cold blood, . Huwaida witnessed the terrorist attack on the Marmara before her own ship was boarded and its passengers and crew subjected to Israeli savagery. In August 2008, Huwaida was on the Free Gaza boats that sailed from Cyprus to Gaza, the first boats to challenge Israel's closure of the Strip and dock in Gaza Port in over 40 years. She has since lead 4 other successful solidarity missions to Gaza with the Free Gaza Movement. In February 2009 Huwaida was part of a National Lawyers Guild delegation that traveled to Gaza to document possible Israeli violations of international law and war crimes that may have been committed during Operation Cast Lead. For another video with over 1.3 million views, showing this strong woman confronting violent IOF soldiers, go to

3-Salaam and greetings from Bilin.

I hope that you are all doing well. It seems to us that the Zionists and it occupation forces are now fighting us electronically after their failure in stopping the on going resistance in Bilin and the growing popular non violent resistance all over Palestine. Our two email accounts have been closed, or stolen, it is not clear for us yet what had happened but we will keep you posted. The Israeli occupation Army wants to silence our resistance and do not want our voice to reach to you, but do not worry, our voice will always be stronger with you support and by you and us standing together for Justice. We will not stop and we will keep going until freedom and Justice.
Thanks for your continuous support for Palestine and for justice.
Salaam and Peace

Bil'in Weekly Demo May 28, 2010
Two injured, three arrested, dozens suffer tear gas inhalation in weekly Bil'in demonstration against the Separation Wall. After the Friday prayer, dozens of Israeli, international, and Palestinian demonstrators marched toward the site of the Separation Wall. Upon reaching the gate, the Israeli army responded almost immediately by firing tear gas canisters directly into the crowd. They also fired sound bombs and rubber bullets at the demonstrators. Two were injured as a result: Mustafa al-Khateeb of Bil'in was skimmed on his side by a bullet, and 28-year-old Israeli photographer Edo was injured on his left leg. They were treated on the spot. Three Israeli demonstrators were arrested when the army entered the gate and grabbed them from the crowd. Haitham al-Khateeb, videographer from Bil'in, was also detained but quickly released after he informed the soldiers that he was filming for B'Tselem. The rest of the demonstrators were pushed back toward the town and suffered from tear gas inhalation. It is important to note that the army has begun firing tear gas rockets that can reach a distance of 550 meters and were responsible for the death last year of Bassem Abu Rahme. Today's demonstration lasted approximately an hour. It was attended by a group of Belgian activists whom the Popular Committee will take on a tour of nearby villages that are affected by the construction of the Separation Wall.

Bil'in Weekly Demo May 21, 2010 (this is the demonstration that I attended)
Two children injured, three arrested, and dozens suffer tear gas inhalation in Bil’in’s demonstration against the Wall. Today’s weekly demonstration in Bil’in was conducted in solidarity with the Israeli settlement boycott movement. Palestinians, Israelis and internationals gathered to protest not only the Wall, but also to promote the boycott of goods produced in West Bank Israeli settlements. Participants were given literature detailing the dozens of products that are produced on Palestinian land and billed as Israeli products for global markets.
Demonstrators marched to the Wall and attached boycott posters on the fence before Israeli soldiers entered the gate and aggressively fired tear gas into the crowd.
Two children, including a mentally disabled boy, were injured as a result. Three Israelis were arrested during the Israeli incursion: one journalist and two activists, Tali and Hamtal. Dozens suffered tear gas inhalation. The demonstration was attended by a group of visiting students from Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, and students from Al Quds University. Iyad Burnat spoke to the group about the village’s efforts to resist the confiscation and destruction of their land. Haitham al-Khatib’s film, Life on Wheels, was shown, along with a film about the life and death of Bassem Abu Rahme, who was killed by Israeli forces in Bil’in last April at a non-violent demonstration.
2-A Galway activist protests against the Israeli "Apartheid" wall built on occupied Palestinian Land.
This short documentary explains his relationship with the village of Bil'in in the West Bank where the wall cuts off large areas of land from the villagers.

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